CASE STUDY... Kyndryl

Kyndryl Case Study

CASE STUDY... Kyndryl

For the Kyndryl 2023 Conference in Orlando Florida, 700 senior executives met to discuss current and future trends within IT. The conference concluded with a performance of Beethoven’s 1st Symphony by a 45-piece orchestra. It was combined with discussion about communication, trust, AI, business culture and the role of leadership.

“Thank you for a truly memorable session that brought a breath-taking end to our Leadership Summit. I have led many events/summits in my career, and I have never experienced such an immersive and unique experience, connecting two different worlds through similar attributes. Your linkage of music to our leadership behaviours was truly amazing. Know that everyone that I talked to after the event was mesmorized by your session…”

Maria Bartolome Winans, Chief Marketing Officer, Kyndryl