CASE STUDY... Cartier

Royal Academy of Music

CASE STUDY... Cartier

In 2004, Cartier invited Dominic Alldis to meet their worldwide HR team and explore the parallels between life in a musical ensemble and a boutique.  The participants were invited to the Royal Academy of Music in London and first heard a live piano performance and before engaging in an interactive discussion about preparation, confidence, listening and trust.  The event was organised by AC3 Formation (Paris).

"The time spent with Dominic Alldis had an immense impact on all attending and provided us with new concepts, that the universal language of music evokes with simplicity and clarity.  His piano performances giving examples of terms such as dynamics, timing, listening, communication, tone, rhythm and many other fundamental aspects, not only brought home the point of how essential these are to music, but also showed how they touch our everyday professional and personal lives..."  

Brigitte Galut, Director of Training